Friday, December 10, 2010

Question: (I have an answer)

Ok so Im chatting via FB and I was asked this (Im gonna copy and paste and no names shall be used to protect the innocent... save myself that is)

Friend: your opinion what makes a good relationship

ME: I feel like the person is my best friend
(5 minute lapse)
Oh must I say more?

Friend: yes please do

ME: Like I think that a good relationship starts from the two people being able to best relate to each other as best friends

Like you dont always have to be up under ya best friend because you are secure in yalls relationship

you can tell them anything and joke with them about it all
confide in them and best friends know everything about you and still like you

Best friends consider each others feelings and deeply and genuinely care for one another

and its sad to say but usually we will think twice before soing our best friend wrong but will go ahead and do our significant other wrong and think only to deal with if we get caught

communication isnt a issue with best friends because they openly talk

and I believe that this should all be in the foundation for a lasting relationship.

Love is the house

chemistry is the decoration

and the two people can live in that mutha fucka forever so long as they take care of it


Thats how I would answer that question... in case u were wondering

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