Friday, April 3, 2009

180 degrees (original Myspace post)

Everyone always wants to say that things did a 360... Ummm you do realize that that means you ended up where you started?

Well I am learning the true value of hard work, patience and love. When the old folks say that youngins dont make it because they dont know how to stick out the rough and tough times they are telling the truth. Every pretty picture has a real life story behind it. Not everyone is meant to know that story or live that story.

My mother taught me never to covet what another person has because you never know what they had to go thru to maintain such or what life they lived to acquire what they had... or even what those before them had to go through. For example some of us covet that "good" hair but unbeknownst to us that trait was placed into that ssame family from rape... now is "good" hair worth all that?? To me personally no. But I will keep my well loved hair that acts right and grows darn fast any day.

But anywho back to my 180. I have had my ups and my downs. But through it all I have stayed with my hard work. I have truly stayed the course. And because of that I am enjoying the spoils of the day.. the months... the years... So right when things were looking down they slowly started to look up. 15 degrees.... 30... 45... 90.... and now 180. and yes it went from 90 to 180. :)

Anyway believe that I am blessed and I didnt understand alot prior to 2009 but this is a year of harvest. :) I hope you all took care of your fields that you sowed your seeds in :) :) :)


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