Oh for an update about my fat mama. She is 6 months old. She has her 6 month check up tomorrow. She has finally cut a tooth!
She is trying to pull herself into the standing position. But so far she is just pulling herself into the kneeling position. She loves sweet potatoes. and she just started eating the gerber baby food dinners. a few weeks ago she wouldnt eat them now she will eat a lil bit of them. Im proud of her progress but it hurts too. I nursed her. Never gave her formula. And now that she is moving onto food it feels like she doesnt need me any more. However she will damn near fight herself out of someones arms to get to me.
She has also started to try to cling to my legs and my pant leg. So I guess theres a balance. *shrug* I dont know....
Oh yeah new semester is starting soon. *eye roll* Im excited though. I love learning.
til then be love
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